Top Podcasts that tell stories with Addicting Stories You’ll Love

Living in the real world feels interesting without a doubt. This is where the rising trend of watching podcasts has come forth. These podcasts are both fiction and nonfiction. People love nonfiction podcasts since they rely on real-life experiences from all walks of life. 

The podcasts that tell stories are generated by the hosts speaking from their experiences. These experiences could either be derived from a situation they lived through or the ones they got to investigate. Having a story that is quite unbelievable at the start makes them worth listening to and being inspirational. 

This article is a collection of the Seven best short story podcasts. You can get your hands on these podcasts:

1: Welcome to the Night Vale

Night Vale podcasts that tell stories

Welcome to Night Vale has a simple premise: each episode offers news from the imaginary city of Night Vale. You’ll get the weather, local report, Sheriff’s Office updates, and information on other events. However, things in Night Vale are a little different than you’re accustomed to. This podcast is one of a kind, with some science fiction, horror, and humor thrown in for good measure.

2: Myths and Legends

Myths and Legends:

All sorts of magical and full of knights and dragons living along with wizard scenarios are present in the Myths and Legends. The continuous story podcasts are all about folklore. These folklore work toward shaping our culture. You will find yourself connecting these stories to Robin Hood and Thor. However, the podcasts reflect on the true origin of these stories. 

You may be familiar with some legends, while others have never heard of them. Regardless, it’s doubtful that you’re familiar with the true stories. Jason Weiser hosts Myths & Legends, a show that explores interesting and riveting stories from the past.

3: We Are Alive

We Are Alive:

Many people love zombies and post-apocalyptic scenarios. We’re Alive is a series of podcasts that rely on such systems and horror survival. These podcasts will serve you the best if you love the walking dead. At the same time, a group of survivors must work together to acquire food, drink, shelter, and survival. It’s a standard zombie tale.

Thanks to many episodes, you’ll get plenty of zombie-avoiding action. Goldrush, a spin-off series based on the podcast, is set 17 years after the events of We’re Alive and features some of the same people.

4: Alice Isn’t Dead

Alice Isn't Dead

Alice isn’t dead is a tale about a group behind Night Vale coming across a strange scene on a cross-country trip. However, the trucker is found in various situations. “Not-quite-human serial killers, time-traveling cities, and a plot involving more than one missing woman.” is one example.

Alice Isn’t Dead is a superb example of serial fiction. It will keep you guessing about what’s going on throughout the novel. If you wish to consume the podcast in numerous media, it is also available as a book.

5: The Truth

The Truth

It is somewhat a collection of story podcasts for adults. The Truth reflects upon a new story in each episode. Their tagline is “movies for your ears,” since the narration is so fine that you will find yourself part of the whole scenario. Each episode is a 10- to 20-minute short story. Some are disturbing, while others are amusing, but they are all distinct.

Moreover, it is no doubt an addicting story about a guy implanting himself in the body of a prisoner and an elf. The guy finds himself in Santa’s workshop. There are all sorts of interesting episodes that will keep you wanting more. You never know what to anticipate, but you can count on it is fantastic.

6: Pleasure Town

Pleasure Town

Two guys created a new town in Oklahoma around the turn of the century. However, a place without judgment where happiness was the sole purpose. Things don’t always go as planned, as you might imagine.

This tale is a beautiful representation of romantic ghosts. The ghosts are found being town residents. These stories work two ways, and the narrators build the whole scene so that you will feel like the story is constructed by you and the narrator equally. Moreover, each season follows the town’s history, including tales of love, betrayal, pleasure, and murder.

7: The Bright Sessions

The Bright Sessions Podcast

Have you ever thought that you could listen in on other people’s treatment sessions? What about superhero counseling sessions? Dr. Bright and her clients, all of whom have magical talents, are the focus of The Bright Sessions

Despite having supernatural skills, the characters face many issues. Among these, emotions and identifying relationships are the main ones. You will find a lot of emotions and empathy present in the podcast.

Reasons Why Podcasts Are Worth Following for Addicting Stories?

It tells a story:

All the episodes are a gist of each case being focused in detail. All the arcs from the beginning to the end are complete and narrated in the best possible manner. Moreover, all the stories are ended so that the fans are left wanting more by the end of every level. 

You will always find a cliffhanger that would keep you desiring for the most part. It is common for the listeners to feel like they’re part of a continuous story rather than a static news feed. People are eager to learn how the narrative concludes with the best story podcasts.

It speaks in a human tone:

All the narrators in the podcasts speak in a manner that sounds humane and instantly gets the audience hooked. You will find the hosts expressing their views on different stories that will also contact you to develop your opinion. The podcasts feel like communication between two individuals rather than just being a plain story conveying. 

You will find the hosts being completely unknown in half of the story so that you can form a narrative regarding the report. The hosts will often ask you questions that will leave you in curiosity. This type of material draws the listener in more.

It offers insider access:

Although you will find that these podcasts are professional, the editors tend to keep the side characters in the story, despite them being somewhat useless. These frustrating characters express a deeper view of the stories. 

Final Verdict:

Although most of the podcasts revolve around the interviews taken with individuals, you will still find some podcasts that tell stories being narrated stories. The podcasts do a great job of providing listeners with stories that serve as a good book. 

The article provides you with a wide range of genres that will help you choose your next podcast. You will never want to hook yourself up with a radio drama again. All you need is a subscription to these addicting storytelling podcasts! 

This selection of podcasts is a remarkable manner of storytelling. There’s nothing like relaxing after a busy day and listening to the addicting stories. As we can see, the rising trend of podcasts has shown that there is room for many stories in the future. 



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